Capturing checkpoints adds a lot of value to your campaign as they give you fast travel points on a road with good travel links, and being able to wipe out locations in a matter of gory seconds means you can be in and out before Castillo’s special ops arrive. Having a modified car makes checkpoints much easier to just roll up on and capture, which is a godsend after you’ve painstakingly stealthed through your first ten. There are considerable options for customisation, so once you’ve found a vehicle that you like, take some time to make it truly death proof. As it turns out, driving around a car with more guns than wheels is a pretty good tool for most encounters. Spend time upgrading your carĪs Juan would say, part of being a guerrilla means using the right tool for the right job. Regardless of how you want to deal with weaponised vehicles, just make sure you’ve got something. Not only do EMP tools (and later, weapons) disable vehicles, they allow you to pull a Uno reverse card and hijack tanks to use for yourself. This can be as simple as an RPG or other explosive weapon, though the Supremo also has a variety of EMP-based options. To make sure you’re prepared for every eventuality, always bring some form of vehicle-disabling kit with you. Although the Supremo’s default ability is a barrage of homing rockets, the cooldown is too high to feasibly take on multiple threats with that alone. Trying to take down a helicopter with small arms fire will often end badly, and a tank? Don’t even bother. When that happens, be prepared – Castillo’s forces are equipped with all manner of bulletproof vehicles that can tear through you in seconds.

The odd guard may manage to raise an alarm, or passing patrols can spot your attack and call for backup. Not every raid or ambush will go to plan. When you eventually get your hands on high-end resources you can consider further upgrading to an even better suppressor, but until then the mid-tier ones will do just fine. I settled for the American suppressor for my sniper rifle, though the Russian suppressor is perhaps better suited for a faster-firing weapon as it takes longer to overheat. To avoid ear-splitting failure, splash out extra resources on getting a Russian or American suppressor. Before upgrading to a better suppresser, I had multiple checkpoints ruined by shoddy workmanship and a smoking silencer. While you’ll be tasked with creating your own Resolver Suppresser quite early in the game, it isn’t the most reliable and can ruin your chances of a successful attack. On the island of Yara, not all silencers are made equal – they all run a chance of overheating, causing them to fail spectacularly at muffling your shot. Painful (and loud) experiences in my early Far Cry 6 days have taught me that you shouldn’t go cheap on a silencer.